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Are you a graduate student with an irregular schedule? Are you an entrepreneur who has control over and creates their own schedule? Having less structure presents a unique set of challenges (or, as I see them, opportunities!) that a personally designed time management system and schedule can address. You're in control! Let's make the most of it.

I'm a certified Holistic Health Coach, so I know a lot about diet, exercise, work-life balance, and so on. If you've been waiting for the "perfect time" to start a new diet, or if you never seem to get 8 hours of sleep at night, I can help. Let's look at your schedule to see where and how we can work in the new, healthy habits you desire!

This is something very near and dear to my heart. Maybe you actually have a good handle on your schedule and are really productive, but after it all, you have little time for socializing or relaxing. These things are essential to a full and happy life! We can work together to make sure your soul is nourished and your life is full of fun!


OK- you're not sure where to start. Maybe you are overwhelmed by your job, or maybe you just always seem to be running from place to place. We'll go "back to basics" to find out which parts of your life are out-of-whack, and then we'll fix them!

What I do​


There's definitely no "one-size-fits-all" method when it comes to time management. We each have a unique relationship with time, a different schedule, and so on. So, I'm flexible! I will work with you to find out what strategies and techniques are best to help you get the most out of your life. Here are a few samples of what we can do together:

Irregular Schedule/ Entrepreneur Time Management

Adding in Healthy Habits

Time Management Overhaul

Social Life & Relaxation Coaching

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